I Finished a Book… Finally
So my goal of reading 7 books this semester was clearly ambitious, however, I never expected to only manage to complete one. The book I did read was very enjoyable but through this process I have learned a lot about my reading habits.
When I read, I like to really get into a book. This means that it is not appealing to me to read for short periods of time. Carrying my book around with me everywhere did not increase the amount I was reading. Unless I had at least an hour of time to kill, I wasn’t reading it.
I read a lot of books in high school and, as I was finishing my book on my plane ride to Ontario at the start of reading break, I realized why that was the case. It wasn’t necessarily that I was reading less for school or that the school work was easier. It had EVERYTHING to do with the fact that every single day that I was in high school, I had a two hour bus ride to school in the morning and a two hour bus ride home in the afternoon. That’s when I did all of my reading. I was captive, I had no internet access, no friends to talk to, nothing else to do (most of the time, occasionally I did homework) so I read. A. LOT.
When I started this inquiry project, I was disappointed in the lack of reading that I was doing during the school year because I had done more in high school. I thought that it was something that I had simply fallen out of the habit of doing, but I was wrong. My circumstances have changed and I no longer spend 4 hours a day on a bus. My commute is more active, involving walking and transferring buses, so I don’t have the same amount of captive time that I did in high school.
This inquiry project allowed me to come to terms with the fact that my reading habits now aren’t worse than they were in high school, they are just different. I do enjoy reading during summer holidays and reading break and other times that I am not preoccupied with school work, and there is nothing wrong with only reading during those times.
So here’s to winter break and all the books that I hope to read during it, now that I have the time to devote to properly engaging with the books.
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